While this week's events are dramatic and heartbreaking, they are not isolated. Broader global and national trends on water are just as problematic. Here are some other recent water-related headlines:
- The global area affected by drought has doubled since the 1970s.
- Las Vegas is struggling to find enough water to support its growth.
- Choked storm drains (in part, blocked up by plastic bags) are blamed by authorities for floods in western India that left more than 1,000 people dead.
- In the US, water mains break more than 200,000 times per year, and an average of 30% of all water is lost to leaks on its way to the tap. In NYC last week, a water main break left 5,000 people without water for 16 hours.
- Plans are in place to spend more than $20B cleaning up the Great Lakes.
- A San Francisco city audit found that not enough is being done to protect the security of the city's water supply.
[PS: Another reminder today, donations in support of Katrina relief can be made here.]