Thursday, September 15, 2005

Some administrative notes

  • has always been a bit of a mouthful of as a web address, hard to say, and harder to remember. As the interest in this site has grown significantly over the past 5 and a half months, it began to be a bother, so starting yesterday now gets you here as well. Hope that makes things easier for everyone...
  • Even easier to get to: Very happy to report that this column is now being syndicated on the Cleantech Venture Network's site, along with Tyler Hamilton's insightful Clean Break blog and columns by Nick Parker and Keith Raab of the Cleantech Venture Network. The team at the Cleantech Venture Network does terrific work, and my firm Expansion Capital Partners has had a terrific relationship with the group since their formation, so it's terrific to have this personal link as well.
  • Semi-regular reminder: Please donate to Katrina relief efforts, such as those of the Red Cross and others...