For those who like to ease into their Mondays, here are some recent articles of interest to cleantech investors:
- The Arizona Republic put out a good article on cleantech investing over the weekend, including some good quotes by several cleantech investors, and some interesting company profiles. (Free reg. may be req'd)
- The Alternative Energy Blog did a nice overview of the current state of alternative energy investing in European markets.
- CleanEdge has a nice column on nanotech and solar (continuing the discussion from this site)... Organic solar technology still sounds far away ("four to five years") for venture investors who often have 5-7 year investment horizons, but you never know who might be able to accelerate it... [10/10 update: Here's more news about a different breakthrough regarding flexible solar technology out of UCLA, which sounds like it's at a similar stage as the Wake Forest breakthrough... Clearly, solar is getting a lot of research attention these days and will continue to drive down the cost curve over time... rd]
- And finally, in news that's now a bit dated (apologies), a recent study gave evidence that companies with strong environmental performance are given a higher valuation by investors, perhaps (slightly) signalling better exits and exit multiples for cleantech investments -- both in terms of IPOs and in terms of acquisitions by large, established companies moving in these directions.