Tyler and Matt have the scoop:
According to the Cleantech Venture Network, cleantech venture investments in the first quarter totaled $513mm, in 67 deals the group identified. It's a small (but validating) increase on Q4 totals, and a whopping 53% increase on Q1 2005 figures.
As should be no surprise to regular readers of this site, energy dominated, with $357mm of the total. And without seeing the data yet myself (will link to it when available), I imagine there are also other energy-related deals that were categorized under other groupings in their survey -- has tended to happen in past such reports.
Just more indication that cleantech, and particularly clean energy, are red hot right now in the VC community.
And, given that overall VC valuations supposedly rose dramatically over the last quarter (now at an average of 64% increase over previous rounds, according to this survey), all this increased interest in cleantech that valuations are probably increasing in our sector as well.