Tesla Motors, Dow doubles-down on Millennium, ethanol updates, and John Doerr loves clean water
- Tesla Motors announced a $40mm Series C (thanks to Tyler for the heads up yesterday), co-led by Vantage Point and Elon Musk (founder of Paypal, CEO of SpaceX), and including several luminary angels as well as DFJ and JP Morgan Bay Area Equity Fund. The company is still being quiet about their car design (a brief Google Image search only turned up a picture of Nikola Tesla's 1931 electric car), but I've spoken with someone who's taken an early test drive and he reports it is "very, very cool."
- Neal Dikeman over at CleantechBlog has a very useful update on current happenings in capital fundings for ethanol projects. He also provides his own thoughts and predictions on the subject, well worth checking out.