Cleantech investors in the news
- As part of their SolFocus investment announcement, NEA served notice that they're planning on spending more effort on "energy-related firms." They're already investors in Konarka, Glacier Bay, Ion America, and other cleantech investments...
- Chrysalix Energy, one of the first clean-energy-dedicated venture capital funds, also announced the successful close of their second fund today, at C$70mm. Limited partners in the new fund include Robeco, Saristar Enterprises (advised by Consensus Environment), Citigroup Venture Capital International, Teachers’ Private Capital, West LB Mellon Asset Management, Delta Lloyd, Kuwait Petroleum Corp, Essent, Mitsubishi Corporation, BASF Venture Capital and Shell Hydrogen among others. The announcement also lists some of their initial investments out of the fund, across a broad range of clean energy technologies.
So kudos all around!