Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Catching up on the news

Many deals and announcements in cleantech investing over the past couple of days:
  • NASA has devoted $75mm to launching Red Planet Capital, which is a non-profit effort to provide venture capital for companies whose technologies are applicable for space travel. Solar PV, fuel cells, batteries, sensors, drinking water and wastewater treatment all come to mind as possibilities, as well as various advanced materials, so Red Planet is now entering the ranks of cleantech investors.
Other news and notes: Fun quote re: biofuels: "If we wanted to build a 100 million-gallon plant, we would have venture capitalists calling us up. I'm looking for someone investing a half a million bucks and to see how it goes"... There are now apparently 136 venture-backed, independently-operating nanotech startups around the world... News of an upcoming cleantech conference in Tel Aviv... As someone who's been beating the drum for innovative, technology-based energy efficiency opportunities for a while now, I am very glad to see this news.